Continuing a revolutionary working class tradition.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Something for Club discussions

This statement was published as part of a critical look at the National CPUSA leadersip:

"Rather than fighting among ourselves, we should be fighting the right wing elements in the Obama administration, the Republicans and the Tea Party fascists. However, if leadership continues to uncritically endorse all Obama administration policies, we must struggle at this level first before taking on the external enemy."

First of all Obama is part of the right wing in his Administration.

Second, it goes on to say, "However, if leadership continues to uncritically endorse all Obama administration policies, we must struggle at this level first before taking on the external enemy."

We know the present leadership of the CPUSA is going to uncritically continue to endorse all Obama Administration policies.

To suggest that internal struggle is needed before taking on external struggles makes no sense from a Marxist-Leninist perspective.

William Z. Foster, James Ford, Earl Browder and Elizabeth Gurley Flynn demonstrated how Communists need to work under these circumstances. These leaders were confronted with very similar problems as the Depression came on.

The way they resolved the problem was by getting Communist Clubs involved in the struggles of the people while providing Marxist-Leninist education at the same time. As a result, workers engaged in the struggles in the communities, mines, mills and factories defeated the misleaders at the district and national levels.

By pushing before the American people an agenda centered around peace and disarmament tied to financing universal social programs which create jobs we will take on Obama and Wall Street and rebuild the Communist Party along Marxist-Leninist lines.

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